Blending Engineering Expertise with Modern technology

The Foundation has dedicated itself for:
1. Procurement of latest know how and disbursement of the same to the fellow professionals.
2. Professional uplift to meet the business requirement of the international world.
3. Quality and productivity in products and services to combat the economic challenges.
4. Poverty alleviation at the bottom lines by imparting skills and employment especially overseas.
5. Conducting of training programs at all levels from highly professional levels such as
    (ISO-9000), down to vocational skills.
6. Holding of conferences, seminars of resource persons from all over the world and with in the 
7. Export of professionally skilled and qualified persons.
8. Supply of trained professional engineers/administrators accountants /information technologies


Our Primary Aims and Objectives
- To procure latest know how and disburse the same to our fellow professionals.
- Professional uplift to meet the employment requirement in the international world.
- Quality and productivity in our products and services to be able to combat the economic 
- Poverty Alleviation at the bottom lines by imparting skills and employment specially overseas.
- To conduct training programs at all levels from highly professional levels such as (ISO-9000), 
  down to vocational skills.
- To hold conferences, seminars all over the world.
- To export professionally skilled resource persons.
- To supply trained professional engineers / administrators / accountants / information
  technology professionals / according to the employers specifications and requirements.
- To encourage and promote Foreign investment in Pakistan and vice versa and to do all things
  conducive for the development of Pakistan-Business co-operation.
- To promote the development of trade, commerce and economic co-operation between the
- To foster and organize trade and investment delegations, trade fairs, exhibitions, symposiums, - lectures, etc, and facilitate participation in international fairs and exhibitions in the countries.
- To obtain, evaluate and circulate trade and investment related data, information and economic
  statistics among members, to publish and support publications, bulletins or any other
  information/material beneficial or useful in the interests of trade and investment.
- To provide a channel of communication within the business community with the Government of
  Pakistan, between the Forum and representatives of the Governments.
- To establish an independent body by Pakistani and Foreigner businessmen in order to promote
   interests with regard to relationship between Pakistan and Foreign Countries.


- Raise global awareness of indigenous issues; promote and support cultural preservation and
  human rights with a focus on traditional communities.
- Engage, educate and sensitize the public with cultural documentaries. Native Cultures are
  disappearing as they are assimilated into mainstream society. Documentaries may serve as the
  only lasting records of their heritage.
- Use expeditions to attract the interest of a broader audience.
- Record endangered cultures through databases, articles, news, links, etc.
- Give direct assistance to indigenous communities.
- Evaluate needs, support local efforts, develop and help implement global strategies.
- Offer consultation and implementation of solutions that empower local communities to preserve
  their autonomy, land and culture.
- Secondary projects: Collaborate with other organizations to support and bolster existing
  education, health, human rights, and land conservation projects.
- Establish and promote international standards for responsible cultural and eco-tourism. True
  eco-tourism must be managed by and for the benefit of local communities.
- Establish recognized cultural tourism guidelines in partnership with other NGOs.
- Campaign globally to promote responsible cultural tourism among travelers, tour guides and
  government-sponsored tourism bureaus.
- Lobby and/or collaborate with local authorities to implement standard tourism practices.
- Offer education, training, membership, and consulting services for NGOs and eco-tour
- Offer free consulting and promotion to selected indigenous communities.
- Offer an Internet presence to native communities and bridge the gap between sensitive people,
  threatened cultures, and positive NGOs.
- True Eco-Tourism must be managed by and for the benefit of local communities.
- Host and promote web content produced by indigenous groups; include content in their own
  native languages.
- Offer online forums and other interactive tools.
- Sponsor and promote donations from a global internet audience of food, clothes, educational -
  materials, medicine, equipment, supplies, grants and volunteer programs (virtual and on-site) to
  indigenous communities in need.
- Inspire our readers with accounts and photos of travels and adventures.
- Provide travel information as a service to our readers and a way to provide interesting content
  to a larger audience.
- Write travel guides for each country visited.
- Provide education for travelers on responsible eco/cultural tourism, social customs, etc.
- Offer health information on tropical and travel-related ailments, local dangers, recreation
  (i.e. yoga), and other links.
- Provide a suggested reading list on related topics such as NGOs, indigenous cultures, health, - 
  education, travel, countries, photography, etc

- Facilitating the application of new technologies towards the furtherance of human rights
  through transferring knowledge and expertise particularly to non-governmental organizations
  (NGOs) and other civil society organizations;
- Producing and providing access to human rights databases and a unique and comprehensive
  documentation centre;
- Carrying out human rights research and disseminating the results to concerned institutions and
- Producing human rights resources including the Human Rights Tribune, annual publications and
  directories in digital, hard copy and microfiche formats and making them available to NGOs and
  international institutions;
- Fostering networking and cooperation among NGOs, as well as other civil society
  organizations, to integrate human rights with social and sustainable development issues;
- Strengthening civil society and NGO access to and participation in international forum; and
- Supporting the role of NGOs in the promotion of civil society and assisting governmental and
  intergovernmental organizations in the application of good governance practices and the 
  protection of human rights through technical assistance, training and educational programs.

Women’s Human Rights Training Program

- Linking local, national and international efforts to advance gender equality and social justice
- Promoting widespread human rights education in Pakistan through the implementation of - -
- W W H R’s Women’s Human Rights Training Program
- Enabling women to create their own strategies to mobilize at the grassroots level through the
  Women’s Human Rights Training Program
- Initiating legal, policy and social change towards human rights, women’s human rights,
  democratization and peace-building through advocacy and lobbying tools such as action alerts,
  extensive use of both mainstream and alternative media, public or other targeted campaigns,
  and networks at national and international levels
- Disseminating information and raising consciousness through outreach materials and
  publications on selected human rights issues
- Facilitating information-exchange, solidarity and mutual support on issues of common interest
  by networking with NGOs and activist groups in Pakistan and in other countries.

PFAET Education Initiative has following goals:
The prime objective for the PFAET is to promote Equal Access to High Quality Education for All.

Equal access to quality education of PFAET is the PFAET's basic philosophy and primary goal, and will work towards integrating PFAET children into mainstream
state education. It will not tolerate or support efforts that perpetuate or contribute to unequal, segregated education. The initiative recognizes, however,
from a pedagogical perspective that for integration to occur, preparation of schools, teachers and majority communities as well as academic preparation of
PFAET students is a necessary pre-requisite.
the elimination of discriminatory process in the school systems of countries in the Region; and 
the establishment, through positive interventions - especially in the area of early childhood schooling
and literacy - of the conditions necessary to enable Roma children succeed in school on equal terms with their peers.

The Foundation
The Pakistan foundation for the advancement of Engineering & Technology is an NGO; a non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of the science and art of engineering and to the diffusion and advancement of technology. The Foundation is supported by self –generation, grants, donations endowments, and the invaluable of time and effort of the members.

The application of principal of science and engineering for the creation of technology and then managing it to infuse development in the socio-economic sector of life is the key to the solution of the world’s problems. The developing nations facing a serious deficits in major amenities of life ,besides a rapid increase in population. To avoid the disastrous situation that these nations have faced by the end of 20th century, the potentials of modern engineering and technology has to be utilized. Men and woman throughout the world both developed and developing countries have to share the responsibility of bringing about the desired change.
The Pakistan Foundation for the Advancement of Engineering & Technology, PFAET recognizes the dimensions and power of technology as an instrument of betterment .Conceived as an NGO and constituted by a group of internationally
Qualified multidisciplined individuals ,the Foundation aims to procure and disperse the know how and to create professional engineers and technologist fully armed with the latest knowledge wisdom and practices.

Aims and Objectives

To achieve the targets of the promotion and benefit of the public in general and to promote the art ,science and practice of engineering and technology in particular the foundation has devoted itself to:

Organize and hold seminars ,workshops .lectures, displays and conferences to disburse and communicate information and know how.
Facilitate the introduction of new products technologies and ideas through specially designed expositions, handouts newsletter literature  and publications.
Elevate level of professional performance of in-service engineer and technologists through advanced specialized short courses,
Run professional oriented courses for fresh graduates so that they can be more productive in industries, with consulting engineers, contractors and manufactures.
Develop educational base of engineering and technology fully independent or in affiliation with reputable foreign institutions to produce graduates in engineering and technology of quality matching with modern demands.
Constituted as an Associations ,Pakistan Foundation for the Advancement of Engineering and technology PFAET has been duly registered under the Societies Registration Act with the Register ,joint stock Companies ,Punjab, and Government of Punjab.
any person can become Member of the foundation who has genuine interest in serving its cause. to become a member one has to fill a prescribed from and to pay a nominal fee to cover the publication ,programs, and invitations.  
a person or an institutions who has cooperative interest with the foundation can become Patron/Sponsor by extending assistance in form of donations grants, endowments  and participation.
Board of Governors
Provision has been made fro senior level nominees of the Pakistan Government , Autonomous Departments, nominees of sponsors / Patrons , and those of affiliated  Universities/ institutions to be ex-officio Members of the Board of Governors.
In addition , any person meeting the following criteria can be elected as Member of the Board Governors.
a)     He should be a person of high integrity and respected professional standing
b)     He should be effective in assisting the Foundation meeting various objectives.
c)      He should be able to arrange financial endowment for the Foundation
from the board of governors, an Executive is elected , on 3 years terms ,whose Director are assigned management functions.
The Foundation as NGO gather resources through donations, grants and endowment both from public and private sectors. The Foundation Plans to go further to generate fund through projects as joint venture with other parties and investors.

About us
Mission Statement
Engineering Serv.
Oil & Gas Serv.
Global Trends
Economic Revival
Research & Dev
Quality Management
Poverty Alleviation
Environmental Quality Syarem
Power Crises Solution
Central Asian project
Poverty Modules
Earthquake Solution's
Business Environment
Water Resource Mgt
Urban Development
About us
Mission Statement
Engineering Serv.
Oil & Gas Serv.
Global Trends
Economic Revival
Research & Dev
Quality Management
Poverty Alleviation
Environmental Quality Syarem
Power Crises Solution
Central Asian project
Poverty Modules
Earthquake Solution's
Business Environment
Water Resource Mgt
Urban Development
Management Staff